Sharing my thoughts, experiences, advice, and insight for fellow coxswains and anybody interested in the world of competitive rowing.

teammate, leader, athlete, delegator, driver, celebrator.

So what exactly is a coxswain?


Preparation, Passion, and Willpower


how well do you know your crew? - know each person’s ticks - know what will push them in the toughest moments

how can you execute the race plan? - navigating the changes that happen during the race - responding rather than reacting

how can you ask the most of your crew and still find more? - push yourself towards self improvement - resilience - grit

    • Reliable

    • Trustworthy

    • Competitive

    • Compassionate

    • Consistent

    • Aware

    • Confident

    • Adaptable

    • Persistent

  • sits there and yells. sometimes a drum is involved

    Just kidding…there is no drum involved.

    In all seriousness, coxswains have a lot that they have to be responsible for, both in the boat, and on land with the team. Here are just a few:

    • Steering

    • Memorizing and integrating: drill sequences, new technical calls, athlete profiles

    • Managing multiple problems in the boat at once

    • Communicate Information: speed, splits, rate, time, distance, margins, conditions, hazards, and more

    • Tracking and collecting data

    • Receiving and asking for feedback

    • Washing the boat

    • Working out with the team when on land

That’s me! (The small person sitting in the front!)

Read my coxswain stories below to find out how I put those traits into practice…