Continuous Improvement

“Mind Reader”

I remember when I first started crew, 8 years ago, the coach I had said to me, “Part of being a coxswain is being able to read the coach’s mind. You should be able to know what I’m thinking,” she said. “For example, knowing when to weigh-enough (stop rowing), knowing when to add a pause, or knowing when to pick the boat back up (start rowing). It saves everyone more time, it keeps the practice efficient, and it makes my job easier.” From then on, it was my mission to become better, with this purpose in mind, both in terms of how metaphorically, no one, including myself can be perfect, and done growing, just like how no one can truthfully read minds to understand everything in the other person’s head, but the curiosity to know more is what keeps us wanting to learn how.

To add to this, I’ll talk a bit about some areas that I constantly strive to improve. First, is remembering to ask people how they are feeling, rather than assume. Second, I’m working on staying engaged and present in my actions and interactions. Third, I need to continue to reflect and analyze past events in a productive way.

Leading with empathy is something I am working on, pretty much every day. Especially working online so much, in school, and classes, it’s important that I am taking time to ask my teammates how they are actually doing and being cognizant of their demeanors and attitudes.

Second, I am working to improve my focus and engagement in order to stay present in whatever it is I’m doing. Realizing that my behavior and ability to listen can have a big impact on other people.

Third, it’s important to constantly want to grow, and actively reflecting on my wins and losses. Knowing that no two situations will be the same, but doing so to understand more about myself in terms of my strengths and weaknesses.

Leading with empathy,

staying present

Growing and reflecting


“Be The Glue”